The art of rug making has evolved from the traditional woven rugs produced on carpet weaving looms. What used to be a hobby for some home-based craftsmen has transformed into a lucrative business for the modern well trained rug maker. It’s now possible to create high value custom rugs from home. A good sized garage is all the space that is needed.
The concept that has made this possible is often referred to as decorative rug making. It’s a multi-faceted approach utilizing advanced rug making tools that can literally fit into a duffel bag. The carpet materials are widely available in nylon and wool, yet there is no actual weaving involved. The carpet mills do this for you.
Decorative rug making utilizes a blending of techniques allowing a rug maker to complete a project ‘in house’ from start to finish. The process begins with a rug design on paper, then carpet styles and colors are selected. Templates are then created from the design and the rug goes into the fabrication phase.
Fabricating a rug generally begins with an inlay process, unless it’s tufted wool, and the design elements are actually inlaid into the main body of the carpet. The inlaid carpet can even be sculpted and carved with a specialized high speed clipper. Usually a secondary backing is adhered to the back. Finally, the edges are bound to create a clean and polished custom rug.
So where do the rug designs come from?
The short answer is everywhere. The rug designs are simply reflections of a clients taste and style. There are countless themes, styles and influences that can make up a rug design. Some good sources for inspiration are: Google images, area rug websites, design books published by Dover Books, interior design and architectural books and magazines.